'Everyone loves Hungarians. Even those Romanian bastards!'

You might be surprised at how attitudes are softening, Bozgorule*. My mother-in-law voted for the Hungarian (UDMR) candidate in the recent (cancelled) presidential election...admittedly as a troll but we live in an imperfect world

Gud piece!

* http://www.rsdb.org/slur/bozgor (just in case you didn't know)

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Of course I'm familiar, come on. Hungary has the most advanced racism in Europe right now.

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I look at your fiercest AUR rally and it's less radical than a Hungarian birthday party.

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Is it not natural to expect moderation in these matters when the party leader is himself a member, albeit undeclared, of a 'national minority'?

But hey man I'm a foreigner in Romania and properly belong here no more than do the Csangos and Szekelys in 'Erdely'.

(I jest)

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I have no idea what you're suggesting, he strikes me as majestic roman statue that came alive, and a genius.

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