'For a Hungarian, for whom the dusty hometown is our tiny nation, loving paternalism towards their birthplace and its people is the mark of a true cosmopolitan.'


Cosmopolitanism is dismally devalued in Shitworld of post-postmodernity. It used to be the positioning of people who had the brains, cultural level and moxie to get out and mix it up with the unfamiliar. The range of their experience did not psychologically compel them to engage in derision of their own people. The men of the Crusades: cosmopolitans all! Now any flabby low-end midwit can jump on a Wizz Air flight for a city break in Milan and think himself a citizen of the world superior to his less mobile countrymen.

'when the hick moves to a coastal big city, becomes a neophyte über-liberal, and spends all day shitting on the rubes they left back home (including their very own family), did they successfully transcend their provincial scope, or are they still entrapped by it?'

For shorthand I refer to such people in Romania as Coldplay fans.

Question about a related pathology: Do West-sojourning Hungarians engage in 'Nigerian nurse in NHS'-style programmed triumphalism about 'doing the jobs locals don't want to do'? One sometimes hears it from Romanians, especially when westoids--who don't know any better and probably wouldn't care even if they did yet HOW DARE THEY!--have the effrontery to conflate Romanians with Roma.

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No, Hungarian expats, who I presume do the same shitty jobs that Romanian expats do (maybe even shittier with a greater language gap) rarely admit that they occupy a lower status in the West than they used to at home.

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aha yes I see

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