Take everything with a grain of paprika!🌶

The #1 Hungarian Substack.🇭🇺1

Clarity above delusion, clarity above all.

“The ruin bars were packed, their boisterous clientele spilling out into the streets. All around Köves, the sounds of electronic music throbbed, and the tang of beer permeated the air, mixing with the sweet fumes of Sopianae cigarettes and Kürtőskalács chimney cakes.”

— Dan Brown’s flawless description of Budapest in Origin (2017)

Negativity is banned from this substack, no matter how gloomy and radioactive the topic is.

Twitter: @InternetIsHell

If you’re agitated, go offline. If that still doesn’t help, read Don Colacho.

Political advice is paywalled.

Years ago I promised myself that I will never give political advice for free. Now Substack allows me to make good on this promise. There’s way too much money even in Hungarian politics, and I gave away way too many memes for free. I like it when they show up here and there, in both social and traditional media, but enough is enough.

Giving away stuff somehow earns you less respect than charging for it: people happily take free stuff, but instead of gratitude, their subconscious tells them that you’re a sucker, so they won’t even credit you afterwards. This ends, here.

It’s an exercise in mutual respect, and a cheap one at that.

These post will still have enough public content to justify landing in a free subscriber’s mailbox. I don’t want to spam or nag anyone.

The paid section may contain information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

What I like about Khaddafi the most is that I can write his name whichever I want and it’s probably correct.

Dubstep is drum n base for fat people.

Ez a blog a Szabadság Szigetcsoport része! #szabadsagszigetcsoport

I have book! Hungarian poems written by a neural network. The first and only, so far.
Újmagyar Gép, available everywhere, look for ISBN 978-6158216609 to get the best deal for your location.

Don’t be like meme man. Subscribe!


Take everything with a grain of paprika

Subscribe to A Grain of Paprika

Take everything with a grain of paprika. 🌶 Feel free to share! Free subscription gets you everything but the juiciest bits.


1999 liberal. Hungary. Take everything with a grain of paprika.