Sitemap - 2022 - A Grain of Paprika

By The Lake

Two chief hypocrisies I've discovered regarding the war in Ukraine

How many Poles can you fit on a C-17?

De Gaulle: if Orban can what if, so can I

Mass Immigration is not rational

They chose paprika (an update) (updated)

Spice Girl Control

Fragile Fidesz: A Spooky Hypothetical (Techno-Managerial Class Intro)

Adults need no nannies or jannies

A quiet shift to Austria-neutral

International politics get a taste of paprika

Famous atheist quote, adopted

BSP#4: Whose Foreign Policy? custom domains on Substack

Why I ignored Your midterms

The kiwi in the coal mine

The Lost Atlanticists

BSP#3: Happy European Culture Month!

Colonial Mavericks: Croatian Edition

Orban and the Germans: Budapester Zeitung interview highlights

The State of the Teacher's Pets Rebellion

BSP#2: US interference in the Hungarian elections

FCD#1: Branding: there's bad, there's worse and there's Illiberalismâ„¢

On liberalism, by a capital Liberal

What's ahead 📈

BSP#1: An incident in Transcarpathia

Low on heat? Like my Tweet!

There's no ethical hydrocarbon energy

Do you miss London?

"I was born a rebel" - says Nobel Prize in Literature winner

The skinhead, the gypsy and the liberal are waiting at a bus stop

Hypocrisy check #2

Teacher's Pets Rebellion

What we know so far about the pipeline sabotage

Hungarian Post-Socialist Power Cheat Sheet

Decadence = EROI less than 1

The Action Slav's gamble

On exceptions

The Myth of the Colonial Maverick

All this destruction, and we weren't even at war

Western Europe's East fatigue might soon set in.

Hypocrisy check #1

BSP#0: Orban's 2022 inauguration speech

Operation Hide Behind Orban